Friday 11 March 2016

Camas nan Geall Clachan House

During Ardnamurchan Community Archaeology's recent visit to Camas nan Geallhere - members spent some time clearing the mass of brambles off one of the houses of the Camas nan Geall clachan, the centuries old village community that occupied....

....the area circled in the picture. The house the group worked on - arrowed - lies to one side of the main area of occupation, close against the bottom of the steep, boulder-strewn slope which rises to the road.

Some of these boulders have rolled down into the building, including the two which lie just in front of the ACA members in this picture. That at least three boulders have rolled down onto the house suggests it has been there for some time.

While a quick sketch of the layout of the building was made then, we've since returned and carried out a much more thorough survey, which has resulted.... this plan.

While it's probably not good archaeological practice, we made an attempt to distinguish those rocks in the walls which are probably in their original position (red) from those that have been knocked down (black). This way, we had a better chance of distinguishing the original shape of the building. It appears to be an unusual oval, quite unlike the other clachan houses, which are basically rectangular but with rounded corners.

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