Thursday 11 June 2015

The Raptor's Buzzard

The Raptor writes, "During my morning walks over the past two months I have been keeping an eye on a buzzard's nest which has been built in what is to me a very strange place, particularly when you think of the amount of wild places we have available here. At one point a late storm gave the nest a battering and you could see through the nest and I thought that would be the end of that breeding attempt. I never saw the buzzards at the nest again and took it to be abandoned.

"Then a few weeks ago to my surprise I was sure I heard what sounded like some prehistoric beast calling from the woods. Could it really be a bird in the nest? The next few days I kept a listen out and sure enough the screeching was coming from high up the tree and the nest. Then two days ago as I passed I peered up into the now greening trees, which made it more difficult to see, and caught a glimpse of this very curious looking creature looking at me quizzically. It was great to see that after the nest being mostly destroyed the parents had re-built it, bred, and have raised a young buzzard. I hope now the weather and feeding are successful and I might see this buzzard right through to fledging."

Many thanks to the Raptor for picture and story.

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