Monday 15 October 2012


A Kilchoan Diary is three years old today, and it seems appropriate to celebrate with a photograph of this morning's sunrise, so very like the one that was posted on 15th October 2009, here.  In that time The Diary has had almost 600,000 page views of the 1,650 posts written. 75% of the views were by people resident in the UK, with the USA with 10%, and Germany and - surprisingly - Russia following.

Once again, I would like to express my thanks to all readers of The Diary, and particularly to those who have written to say they enjoy reading it.  It's been a great pleasure writing about, and taking the many pictures of this beautiful place.

On the subject of birthdays, there was a multiple birthday yesterday, of twelve little piglets to proud mother Bessie.  Sadly, two died, so we are left with ten, again, to 'enjoy' over the coming months.  No-one seems to have bothered to tell father Bobby the good news.  He's pining in his steel box, refusing to come out except for meals.

Owner Hughie is over the moon at the prospect of ten more pigs to sell, the more so....

....since this 'Abnormal Load' arrived in the village - a caravan that's going onto Hughie's croft.  What with pigs and caravans, the man's going to be rich by the time The Diary has its fourth birthday.

Meanwhile, the fine October weather continues, with light winds, clear skies and warm sunshine.  The daytime temperature was up to 14C yesterday, when this picture was taken looking out across the Sound towards Mull, but it dropped to 3C overnight.

We're hoping that the clear skies at night continue, as there is plenty of aurora activity, and lights have been seen in the northern skies several times recently.  AuroraWatch's website, which has photos of recent auroras, is here.


  1. Happy birthday Diary! and thank you so much for your great blog. Feel like l,m in kilchoan every day. see you all soon. love the Macleod family.

  2. Happy Birthday! The diary brightens up my day and keeps me going 'til my next visit.Thank you Jon

  3. That top picture is just sublime!

  4. Congratulations on your birthday and many thanks for your great blog. It's visited each day by the family and keeps our spirits up till our next holiday in summer 2013.

  5. I really look forward to your excellent blog.Which I follow ever day.All your hard work Jon is very much appreciated.Thank you.
    Congratulations on keeping it so interesting for 3 years.
    May you enjoy many more wonderful walks, many opportunities to photograph the stunning scenery, wildlife, flowers and ships passing in the sound.
    You always find something interesting to write about.It is complete escapism from all the depressing items in the news.

  6. It's been wonderful to keep up to date with all the "doings" around Kilchoan over the last 3 years. Maintaining a blog of such a high standard must sometimes seem a thankless task, but for this avid reader it really is the next best thing to being there. My friends and I are looking forward to our next visit to the Village at the Centre of the Universe (Portuairk), but meantime will continue to enjoy the Diary.

    Happy birthday and enjoy a dram or two, cheers!

  7. Many thanks to you all for these kind comments. While I thoroughly enjoy writing The Diary, it's so good to know that you all enjoy it. Jon

  8. Enjoy it a great deal. Thank you for your efforts!

  9. Happy birthday Kilchoan Diary. It's a pleaure to read each and every day. Thank you.
